adult franchise

Adult Franchise

Meaning in Nepali: वयस्क मताधिकार (vayask matadhikar), प्राप्त वयस्क मताधिकार (prapt vayask matadhikar)

Pronunciation: (vay-uhlt fruhn-chahyz)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adult: वयस्क (vayask), वयस्कता (vayaskata)
  • Franchise: मताधिकार (matadhikar), अधिकार (adhikar)
  • Voter: मतदाता (matdata), मतदानकर्ता (matdankarta)
  • Election: निर्वाचन (nirbachan), चुनाव (chunav)
  • Democracy: loktantra (लोकतन्त्र), प्रजातन्त्र (prajatantra)


  • Universal Suffrage
  • Adult Suffrage
  • General Suffrage
  • Full Suffrage
  • Right to Vote


  • Restricted Franchise (सीमित मताधिकार)

To find more information about “adult franchise,” you can visit the following websites:

Remember, adult franchise refers to the right to vote granted to all adult citizens of a country, regardless of gender, race, or social status. It is a fundamental principle of democracy, ensuring equal participation and representation in the electoral process.