
Ashes Meaning in Nepali: राख, धूलो, खोया, ज्वालामुखी, धूल, धूलि

Nearby Words:

Noun: Dust (धूलो), Fire (आग), Smoke (धुवाँ), Cremation (शवसंस्कार), Ember (अग्निकुण्ड), Soot (कालो), Charcoal (कोयला)

Verb: Burn (जलाउनु), Incinerate (जलाउनु), Reduce to ashes (राखमा परिवर्तन गर्नु), Cremate (शवसंस्कार गर्नु), Scorch (जलाउनु), Destroy (नष्ट गर्नु)

Part of Speech:




Ashes Synonyms:

1. Dust – धूलो

2. Cinders – ज्वालामुखी

3. Residue – बाकी

4. Remains – अवशेष

5. Ruins – खंडहरु

6. Debris – अवशेष

Description and Origination of Ashes:

Ashes refer to the powdery residue left after the combustion of a substance. It is the remains of something that has been burned or destroyed by fire. In Nepali, ashes are known as राख, धूलो, खोया, ज्वालामुखी, धूल, धूलि. Ashes hold cultural and religious significance in various traditions, particularly in funeral rites and cremation ceremonies. They symbolize the impermanence of life and the cycle of death and rebirth. Ashes are often scattered or preserved as a memorial to honor the deceased. They can also be used in gardening as a source of nutrients for plants. To learn more about ashes, you can visit,, or


1. Solid – ठोस

2. Whole – पूरा

3. Intact – अविच्छेदित

4. Constructed – निर्मित

5. Complete – पूर्ण