
Adaptor Meaning in Nepali

Adaptor (एडाप्टर) in Nepali has the following meanings:

  1. अनुकूलक (anukūlaka) – noun, meaning “a device that allows different parts to be connected or used together.”
  2. सामान्य वा विशेष उपयोगका लागि बनाइएको यन्त्र (sāmānya vā viśēṣa upayōgakā lāgi banā’ieko yantra) – noun, meaning “a device made for general or specific use.”

Pronunciation: [uh-dap-ter]

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adapter (एडाप्टर) – noun, meaning “a device that allows different parts to be connected or used together.”
  • Adjust (समायोजन गर्नु) – verb, meaning “to alter or move something slightly to achieve the desired fit or position.”
  • Adhere (अनुपालन गर्नु) – verb, meaning “to stick or hold firmly to a surface or substance.”
  • Adopt (अङ्गीकार गर्नु) – verb, meaning “to take up or start using or following.”
  • Adapt (अनुकूल गर्नु) – verb, meaning “to make suitable or fit for a particular purpose or situation.”


  • Connector (कनेक्टर) – noun, meaning “a device or object that joins two or more things together.”
  • Converter (कन्भर्टर) – noun, meaning “a device that changes something into a different form or character.”
  • Linker (लिङ्कर) – noun, meaning “a person or thing that links or connects.”
  • Joiner (जोइनर) – noun, meaning “a person or thing that joins or connects.”
  • Coupler (कपलर) – noun, meaning “a device for connecting two parts or objects together.”


There are no specific antonyms for “adaptor” in Nepali.

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