
Adagios: Meaning in Nepali

Adagios (अदागियोस) is a plural noun in Nepali. It refers to a musical term that signifies a slow and leisurely tempo. Adagios are typically played or sung with a calm and peaceful expression, evoking a sense of tranquility and serenity.


(अदागियोस) [a-da-gi-yos]

Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Allegro (अल्लेग्रो) – Adverb – Quickly, rapidly
  • Andante (आन्दान्ते) – Adverb – Moderately slow
  • Concerto (कन्सर्टो) – Noun – A musical composition for a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra
  • Harmony (हार्मोनी) – Noun – The combination of musical notes played or sung simultaneously to create a pleasing sound
  • Tempo (टेम्पो) – Noun – The speed or pace at which a piece of music is played


  • Slow movements
  • Larghetto
  • Lento
  • Adagietto
  • Andantino


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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