
Acquiescence Meaning in Nepali

Acquiescence (अनुमति, सहमति) is a noun in Nepali that refers to the act of accepting or agreeing to something without protest or resistance. It can also mean the state of being passive or compliant.

Pronunciation: (ak-wee-es-uhns)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Acquire (Verb) – प्राप्त गर्नु
  • Acquisition (Noun) – प्राप्ति
  • Acquaintance (Noun) – परिचय
  • Acquittal (Noun) – दोषमुक्ति
  • Acquiesce (Verb) – सहमत हुनु


  • Consent (सहमति)
  • Agreement (मेलमिलाप)
  • Compliance (अनुपालन)
  • Submission (समर्पण)
  • Conformity (अनुरूपता)


The antonym of acquiescence in Nepali is “असहमति” (Asahamati), which means disagreement or dissent.

Learn More:

Acquiescence is an important concept in interpersonal relationships and decision-making processes. It can signify agreement, compliance, or passive acceptance. Understanding the meaning and implications of acquiescence can help individuals navigate various situations effectively.

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