Account No
Meaning in Nepali: खाता नंबर, खाता संख्या
Pronunciation: (अकाउन्ट नंबर)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Account: noun – खाता, verb – लेखा राख्नु
- Number: noun – नंबर, verb – गणना गर्नु
- Bank: noun – बैंक, verb – बैंकमा राख्नु
- Transaction: noun – लेनदेन, verb – लेनदेन गर्नु
- Balance: noun – शेष, verb – संतुलन राख्नु
- Account Number
- Identification Number
- Customer Number
- Reference Number
- Unique Identifier
No antonyms found.
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Account No refers to a unique identification number assigned to an individual’s or organization’s account. It is used to differentiate between different accounts and facilitate transactions. In Nepali, it is known as “खाता नंबर” or “खाता संख्या.” As a noun, it represents the account number itself. Nearby words include “account,” which can be both a noun and a verb, meaning a record of financial transactions or to maintain a record of financial transactions, and “number,” which can be a noun or a verb, representing a numerical value or the act of counting. Synonyms for account no include “account number,” “identification number,” “customer number,” “reference number,” and “unique identifier.” Unfortunately, no antonyms were found for this term. For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and