
Atrocious Meaning in Nepali: अत्यन्त खराब, अत्याचारी, अत्यन्त दुष्ट, अत्यन्त निर्दयी

Nearby Words:

Noun: Atrocity (अत्याचार), Atrociousness (अत्याचारिता)

Adjective: Atrociously (अत्यन्त खराब रूपमा), Atrocious (अत्यन्त खराब)

Part of Speech:




Atrocious Synonyms:

1. Terrible (भयानक)

2. Horrible (भयानक)

3. Awful (भयानक)

4. Dreadful (भयानक)

5. Abominable (घिनौना)

6. Monstrous (राक्षसी)

Description: The word “atrocious” is an adjective that describes something extremely bad, cruel, or evil. It is often used to express extreme negativity or wickedness. The term originated from the Latin word “atrox,” meaning fierce or cruel. In Nepali, it can be translated as अत्यन्त खराब, अत्याचारी, अत्यन्त दुष्ट, or अत्यन्त निर्दयी. It is important to note that “atrocious” is an adjective and can be used to describe various nouns, such as behavior, actions, or situations.


1. Excellent (उत्कृष्ट)

2. Wonderful (अद्भुत)

3. Pleasant (सुहावनो)

4. Admirable (प्रशंसनीय)

5. Delightful (मनोहारी)

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