Meaning in Nepali: कृषिज्ञ, कृषि विद्यार्थी
Pronunciation: (ag-ri-kuhl-cher-ists)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Farmer: noun, किसान
- Agriculture: noun, कृषि
- Cultivate: verb, खेती गर्नु
- Harvest: noun, मौसमी फलफूलको संग्रह
- Irrigation: noun, सिंचाइ
- Farmers
- Cultivators
- Tillers
- Growers
- Ranchers
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
To find more information about “agriculturists,” you can visit the following websites:
Remember, agriculturists are individuals who specialize in the practice of agriculture. They possess knowledge and skills related to farming, cultivation, and the production of crops and livestock. Agriculturists play a crucial role in ensuring food security and sustainable development in many countries around the world.