Bad Feeling Meaning in Nepali
Nepali Meanings:
खराब अनुभूति, अस्वास्थ्य भावना, निराशा, दुख, असन्तोष, अप्रसन्नता
Part of Speech:
(bad feeling) [बैड फिलिङ]
Bad Feeling Synonyms:
discomfort, uneasiness, sadness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, discontentment
अस्वस्थता, असन्तोष, दुःख, असन्तुष्टि, असन्तुष्टि, असन्तोष
Description and Origin:
A bad feeling refers to a negative emotion or sensation that one experiences. It can be characterized by discomfort, uneasiness, sadness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or discontentment. This term originated from the English language and is commonly used in Nepali to describe negative emotions or sensations.
contentment, satisfaction, happiness
तृप्ति, सन्तुष्टि, सुख
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