Asters Meaning in Nepali: अस्टर्स, तारामा जस्ता फूलहरू, तारामा जस्ता फूलहरू
Nearby Words:
Noun: फूलहरू (flowers), तारामा जस्ता फूलहरू (star-like flowers)
Adjective: रंगीन (colorful), सुन्दर (beautiful)
Part of Speech:
Asters Synonyms:
1. Stars (ताराहरू)
2. Daisies (गुलाफहरू)
3. Sunflowers (सूर्यमुखीहरू)
4. Marigolds (गेंदाहरू)
5. Lilies (कुसुमहरू)
6. Roses (गुलाबहरू)
Description and Origination of Asters:
Asters are star-like flowers that are known for their vibrant colors and beauty. They are commonly found in gardens and are popular for their ability to attract butterflies and bees. Asters are native to North America and are often used in floral arrangements and bouquets. They symbolize love, patience, and elegance. In Nepali, asters are referred to as अस्टर्स or तारामा जस्ता फूलहरू.
1. Dull (उब्जाउनु)
2. Ugly (बिरुवा)
3. Plain (साधारण)
4. Unattractive (आकर्षक नभएको)
5. Ordinary (साधारण)
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