
Archipelago Meaning in Nepali: द्वीपसमूह, द्वीपसंग्रह, द्वीपसमूहको अर्थ

Nearby Words:

Noun: द्वीप, द्वीपसमूह, द्वीपसंग्रह

Adjective: द्वीपीय, द्वीपसमूही

Part of Speech:




Archipelago Synonyms:

1. Island group – द्वीप समूह

2. Island chain – द्वीप संग्रह

3. Island cluster – द्वीप समूह

4. Island arch – द्वीप वार्ता

5. Island formation – द्वीप गठन

6. Island ensemble – द्वीप संगठन

Description and Origination of Archipelago:

An archipelago refers to a group or chain of islands. It is derived from the Greek words “arkhi” meaning “chief” and “pelagos” meaning “sea.” Archipelagos can be found in various parts of the world, such as the Maldives in the Indian Ocean and the Philippines in Southeast Asia. They are formed through volcanic activity, tectonic plate movements, or erosion. Archipelagos are known for their diverse ecosystems and unique flora and fauna.


1. Continent – महाद्वीप

2. Mainland – मुख्य भूमि

3. Landmass – भूमि समूह

4. Peninsula – उपनिषद्

5. Promontory – उच्चतर भूभाग

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