
Adonis Meaning in Nepali

Adonis meaning in Nepali: अदोनिस, रामचन्द्र

Pronunciation: (uh-don-is)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adore (verb) – मन पराउनु, माया गर्नु
  • Adorn (verb) – सजाउनु, अलंकार गर्नु
  • Adrift (adjective) – तरंगमा, अवांछित
  • Adulate (verb) – चापलूसी गर्नु, खुशामद गर्नु
  • Adult (noun) – प्राप्त वयस्क, मृत्युशील


  • Heartthrob
  • Stunner
  • Hunk
  • Beauty
  • Greek God


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Note: This article provides the Nepali meaning of the word “Adonis” along with its pronunciation, part of speech, nearby words, synonyms, and links to further references.

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