
Aurum Meaning in Nepali: रुप्या, सोना, सुन, चाँदी

Nearby Words:

Noun: धातु, धातुविद्या, धातुविज्ञान, धातुविद्यालय, धातुविद्यार्थी

Adjective: धातुविद्यालयी, धातुविद्यार्थी

Part of Speech of Aurum:


Pronunciation of Aurum:


Aurum Synonyms:

Gold (सुन), Precious metal (मूल्यवान धातु), Bullion (सोना चाँदी), Yellow metal (पहेलो धातु), Noble metal (उच्च धातु), Valuable metal (मूल्यवान धातु)

Aurum is a noun in Nepali that means रुप्या, सोना, सुन, चाँदी. It is pronounced as (awr-uhm). Some synonyms of aurum in English are gold, precious metal, bullion, yellow metal, noble metal, and valuable metal. Aurum is a valuable metal that has been used for centuries for its beauty and rarity. It is often associated with wealth and luxury. For more information on aurum, you can visit,, or


Silver (चाँदी), Copper (तामा), Iron (लोहा), Bronze (कांसा), Steel (इस्पात)