Assiduity Meaning in Nepali: अधिकार्यता, लग्न, ध्यान, नियमितता, अविचलता
Nearby Words:
Noun: Assiduousness (अधिकार्यता), Assiduous (लग्न), Attention (ध्यान), Regularity (नियमितता), Perseverance (अविचलता)
Part of Speech:
Assiduity Synonyms:
1. Diligence (परिश्रम)
2. Persistence (दृढ़ता)
3. Industriousness (परिश्रमशीलता)
4. Conscientiousness (सावधानी)
5. Perseverance (अविचलता)
6. Steadiness (स्थिरता)
Description and Origination of Assiduity:
Assiduity refers to the quality of being diligent, attentive, and persistent in one’s efforts. It is derived from the Latin word “assiduitas,” meaning “constant presence” or “diligence.” Assiduity emphasizes the importance of regular and unwavering dedication towards a task or goal. It is a trait valued in various aspects of life, including work, education, and personal development.
1. Laziness (आलस्य)
2. Negligence (लापरवाही)
3. Inattention (असावधानी)
4. Inconsistency (अस्थिरता)
5. Indolence (आलस्यता)
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