advisory board

Advisory Board

Meaning in Nepali: सल्लाहकार मण्डल, सल्लाहकार समिति

Pronunciation: (ad-vahy-zuh-ree bawrd)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Advisory: सल्लाहकार (noun), सल्लाहकारी (adjective)
  • Board: बोर्ड (noun)
  • Committee: समिति (noun)
  • Consultant: सल्लाहकार (noun)
  • Panel: पैनल (noun)


  • Consultative Group
  • Advisory Panel
  • Advisory Committee
  • Advisory Council
  • Advisory Body


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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Advisory boards are groups of individuals who provide guidance, advice, and expertise to organizations or individuals. They are typically composed of experts in a specific field or industry and serve as a resource for decision-making and strategic planning. Advisory boards can be found in various sectors, including business, education, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. Their role is to offer objective perspectives, share knowledge, and offer recommendations based on their expertise. Advisory boards can help organizations navigate challenges, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions. They often meet regularly to discuss relevant issues and provide input to the organization’s leadership. Overall, advisory boards play a crucial role in supporting organizations and individuals in achieving their goals and objectives.