
Adherence Meaning in Nepali

Adherence (निष्ठा, पालन गर्नु, अनुपालन) is a noun in Nepali that refers to the act of following or sticking to something, such as a rule, belief, or practice.

Pronunciation: (ad-HEER-uhns)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adhere (Verb) – अनुपालन गर्नु, पालन गर्नु
  • Adherent (Noun) – अनुयायी, अनुपालन गर्ने व्यक्ति
  • Adhesion (Noun) – अनुपालन, अनुयाय
  • Adhesive (Noun) – चिप्ला, चिप्लाउने वस्त्र
  • Adhesive (Adjective) – चिप्ला, चिप्लाउने


  • Compliance – अनुपालन, अनुयाय
  • Observance – पालन, अनुपालन
  • Fidelity – निष्ठा, विश्वास
  • Conformity – अनुपालन, अनुयाय
  • Consistency – अनुपालन, अनुयाय


The antonym of adherence in Nepali is “अनुपालन नगर्ने” which means non-adherence or non-compliance.


Adherence, or निष्ठा in Nepali, is the act of following or sticking to something. It is a noun that signifies compliance, observance, and fidelity. Adherence is essential in various aspects of life, whether it be following rules, beliefs, or practices. By adhering to certain principles, individuals can maintain consistency and conformity. It is important to note that the antonym of adherence in Nepali is “अनुपालन नगर्ने,” which means non-adherence or non-compliance. To explore more about adherence, you can refer to the provided links to,, and

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