
Assertions Meaning in Nepali: अभिकथन, दावा, बचाउनु, बचाउनु, दावा, दावा

Nearby Words

  • Noun: Assertion (दावा)
  • Verb: Assert (दावा गर्नु)
  • Adjective: Assertive (दावानुहुने)
  • Adverb: Assertively (दावानुहुने ढंगले)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (uh-sur-shuhns)

Assertions Synonyms

  • Claims (दावा)
  • Statements (बचाउनु)
  • Proclamations (बचाउनु)
  • Affirmations (दावा)
  • Declarations (दावा)
  • Avowals (दावा)

Assertions are statements or claims made with confidence and forcefulness. They are used to express one’s beliefs, opinions, or facts. Assertions can be made in various contexts, such as in debates, discussions, or legal proceedings. They are essential for conveying information and persuading others. The term “assertions” originated from the Latin word “assertio,” meaning “declaration” or “affirmation.”


  • Denials (अस्वीकार)
  • Contradictions (विरोध)
  • Disclaimers (अस्वीकार)
  • Refutations (अस्वीकार)
  • Rejections (अस्वीकार)

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