
Architrave Meaning in Nepali: अर्चिट्रेभको अर्थ, तल्लो खण्ड, तल्लो खण्डको अर्थ

Nearby Words:

Noun: अर्चिट्रेभ, अर्चिट्रेभको तल्लो खण्ड, अर्चिट्रेभको तल्लो खण्डको अर्थ

Verb: अर्चिट्रेभले, अर्चिट्रेभले छानेको, अर्चिट्रेभले छानेको अर्थ

Part of Speech:




Architrave Synonyms:

1. Beam – खम्बा

2. Lintel – दबान

3. Header – हेडर

4. Sill – तल्लो खण्ड

5. Transom – ट्रान्सम

6. Fascia – फासिया

Description and Origination of Architrave:

An architrave is the lowest part of an entablature, typically found in classical architecture. It serves as a horizontal beam or lintel that rests on top of columns or pilasters. The architrave is an essential element in the structure of a building, providing support and distributing the weight of the structure above. It originated in ancient Greece and has been used in various architectural styles throughout history.


1. Roof – छाना

2. Ceiling – छाना

3. Dome – गुम्बाज

4. Vault – गुम्बाज

5. Canopy – छाना

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