Acclimatisation is the process of adapting to a new environment or climate. It is the ability of an organism to adjust its physiological functions in response to changes in its surroundings.
Nepali Meanings:
1. स्थानान्तरण (sthānāntaraṇa) – The act of transferring to a new place.
2. जीवन्त रहने क्षमता (jīvanta rahane kṣamatā) – The ability to survive in a different environment.
Nearby Words:
1. Adaptation (Noun) – अनुकूलन (anukūlana) – The process of adjusting to new conditions.
2. Climate (Noun) – जलवायु (jalavāyu) – The weather conditions prevailing in an area.
3. Environment (Noun) – पर्यावरण (paryāvaraṇa) – The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
1. Adaptation
2. Adjustment
3. Accommodation
4. Assimilation
1. Discomfort – असहजता (asahajatā)
2. Inadaptability – अनुकूलनाशक्ति (anukūlanāśakti)
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