
Baffler Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: उल्लङ्घनकारी, भ्रमणकारी, भ्रमणकारी व्यक्ति, भ्रमणकारी वस्त्र, भ्रमणकारी वस्त्रहरू

Part of Speech of Baffler:

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation of Baffler:


Baffler Synonyms:

1. Puzzle – संकेतस्थली

2. Enigma – रहस्य

3. Riddle – पहेली

4. Conundrum – संकेतस्थली

5. Perplexer – भ्रमणकारी

6. Teaser – भ्रमणकारी

Description and Origination of Baffler:

A baffler refers to something or someone that causes confusion or perplexity. It can be a challenging puzzle, an enigmatic situation, or a person who is difficult to understand. The term originated from the verb “baffle,” which means to confuse or bewilder. Bafflers can be found in various forms, such as riddles, conundrums, or complex problems that require critical thinking to solve. They are often used as a form of entertainment or as a means to test one’s intellectual abilities. Bafflers can be both frustrating and intriguing, providing a mental exercise for those who enjoy solving mysteries.


1. Solution – समाधान

2. Clarity – स्पष्टता

3. Answer – उत्तर

4. Explanation – व्याख्या

5. Comprehension – बुझ्नु

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