An accident refers to an unexpected event that causes damage, injury, or harm. It can occur due to various reasons, such as negligence, carelessness, or unforeseen circumstances.
Nepali Meanings:
1. दुर्घटना (durgatna) – अप्रत्याशित घटना जसले क्षति, चोट, वा हानि पुर्याउँछ।
2. अपघात (apghaat) – अप्रत्याशित घटना जसले नुक्सान, चोट, वा अवस्थाको निर्धारण गर्दछ।
Nearby Words:
1. Incident (noun) – घटना, घटनाक्रम
2. Crash (noun) – टक्कर, दुर्घटना
3. Mishap (noun) – दुर्घटना, अपघात
1. Mishap
2. Disaster
3. Misfortune
4. Calamity
1. Intentional (नियत)
2. Deliberate (जानबूझकर)
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