
Assemblies Meaning in Nepali: बैठकहरू, सभाहरू, संघहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: gathering (सभा), conference (सम्मेलन), meeting (बैठक), congregation (सभा), council (परिषद्)

Verb: convene (बुलाउनु), gather (एकत्र हुनु), unite (एकीकरण गर्नु), assemble (बैठक गर्नु), congregate (एकत्र हुनु)

Part of Speech:




Assemblies Synonyms:

1. meetings (बैठकहरू)

2. gatherings (सभाहरू)

3. congregations (संघहरू)

4. conferences (सम्मेलनहरू)

5. councils (परिषद्हरू)

6. conventions (सम्मेलनहरू)

Description and Origination of Assemblies:

Assemblies refer to gatherings or meetings where people come together for a specific purpose. These gatherings can be formal or informal and are often organized to discuss important matters, make decisions, or share information. The concept of assemblies has been prevalent in various cultures and societies throughout history. They serve as a platform for individuals to voice their opinions, collaborate, and collectively work towards a common goal. Assemblies play a crucial role in democratic systems, allowing citizens to participate in decision-making processes and shaping the direction of their communities.


1. dispersal (छलफल)

2. separation (विभाजन)

3. disbandment (विघटन)

4. dissolution (विघटन)

5. scattering (छलफल)

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