bad temper

Bad Temper Meaning in Urdu: غصہ

Bad temper, also known as غصہ in Urdu, refers to a state of being easily angered or irritated. It is a negative trait that can lead to conflicts and strained relationships. People with bad temper often lose their patience quickly and react aggressively or impulsively.

Synonyms of Bad Temper:

  • غصہ
  • خشم
  • ناراضگی
  • جوش

Bad Temper Pronunciation:

[bad tem-per]


  • صبر (Patience)
  • آرام (Calmness)
  • مہربانی (Kindness)
  • تسلی (Consolation)

Nearby Words:

  • Verb: Temper (تیار کرنا)
  • Noun: Temperament (مزاج)
  • Adjective: Temperate (معتدل)
  • Adverb: Temperately (معتدل طور پر)

Origin of the Word Bad Temper:

The word “temper” originated from the Latin word “temperare,” meaning “to mix or blend.” It later evolved to refer to the balance or state of mind. The term “bad temper” emerged to describe an imbalance or negative state of mind characterized by anger and irritability.

Examples Sentences:

  1. میرے بچے کا غصہ بہت تیز ہوتا ہے۔ (My child has a very bad temper.)
  2. وہ غصے میں آکر بہت بولتا ہے۔ (He speaks a lot when he is in a bad temper.)

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