
Apotheosize Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Usage

Apotheosize is a verb that means to elevate or exalt someone or something to the status of a deity or a god. In Urdu, the word “apotheosize” can be translated into several meanings:

  1. خدائیت کا درجہ بخشنا (to confer the status of divinity)
  2. عظمت عطا کرنا (to bestow greatness)
  3. معبود بنانا (to make someone a deity)

Synonyms of Apotheosize

Some synonyms of apotheosize include:

  • Deify – خدائیت عطا کرنا
  • Elevate – بلند کرنا
  • Exalt – عظمت عطا کرنا

Antonyms of Apotheosize

Antonyms of apotheosize with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Belittle – حقارت کرنا
  • Disparage – تحقیر کرنا
  • Denigrate – تحقیر کرنا

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to apotheosize with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Apotheosis (noun) – خدائیت
  • Apotheosized (adjective) – خدائیت یافتہ
  • Apotheosizing (verb) – خدائیت کا درجہ بخشنا

Origin of the Word Apotheosize

The word “apotheosize” originated from the Greek word “apotheoun,” which means “to deify.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He was apotheosized by his followers after his heroic act. (وہ اپنے پیروکاروں کی طرف سے اپنے جنگجوی کام کے بعد خدائیت یافتہ ہوگئے۔)
  2. The ancient Greeks used to apotheosize their gods and goddesses. (قدیم یونانیوں کو اپنے خداوں اور دیویوں کو خدائیت یافتہ کرنے کا روایتی طریقہ تھا۔)
  3. She was apotheosized as the queen of beauty. (وہ خوبصورتی کی ملکہ کے طور پر خدائیت یافتہ ہوگئی۔)

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