
Animalities Meaning in Urdu: انسانیت کے خلاف عمل

Animalities is a noun that refers to actions or behaviors that are characteristic of animals, particularly those that are considered base, cruel, or lacking in human qualities. In Urdu, the meaning of animalities is انسانیت کے خلاف عمل.

Synonyms of Animalities:

  • Bestialities (جانورانہ)
  • Savagery (وحشیانہ)
  • Brutishness (بے روحی)
  • Cruelty (ظلم)

Antonyms of Animalities:

  • Humanity (انسانیت)
  • Compassion (ہمدردی)
  • Kindness (مہربانی)
  • Empathy (ہمدردی)

Nearby Words:

  • Animal (noun) – جانور
  • Animality (noun) – جانوریت
  • Animalistic (adjective) – جانورانہ
  • Animalize (verb) – جانور بنانا

Origin of the Word Animalities:

The word “animalities” is derived from the Latin word “animalis,” meaning “having breath or soul.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. His actions were filled with animalities, devoid of any human compassion. (انسانیت کے خلاف عمل سے ان کے اعمال بھرے گئے تھے، جو کسی بھی انسانی ہمدردی سے محروم تھے۔)
  2. The brutality and animalities of war are devastating for both humans and animals. (جنگ کی ظلم و بربریت اور جانورانہ عملیں انسانوں اور جانوروں کے لئے نقصان دہ ہوتی ہیں۔)

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