bad tempered

Bad Tempered Meaning in Urdu: غصہ آمیز

Bad tempered, also known as “غصہ آمیز” in Urdu, refers to someone who is easily irritated, quick to anger, and often displays a negative or irritable attitude. This term is commonly used to describe individuals who have a tendency to lose their temper or become easily frustrated.

Synonyms of Bad Tempered:

  • Short-tempered: جلد غصہ کرنے والا
  • Irritable: چڑچڑا
  • Grumpy: بدمزاج
  • Crabby: لڑاکا

Bad Tempered Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of bad tempered is [bad tem-perd].


  • Easygoing: آسانی سے راضی ہونے والا
  • Good-natured: خوش مزاج
  • Amiable: دوستانہ
  • Peaceful: امن سے متعلق

Nearby Words:

  • Badger (Noun): بیشار
  • Badminton (Noun): بیڈمنٹن
  • Badge (Noun): بیج
  • Badly (Adverb): بری طرح

Origin of the Word Bad Tempered:

The word “bad tempered” originated from the combination of “bad” and “tempered.” “Bad” refers to something negative or unpleasant, while “tempered” means having a particular disposition or mood. When combined, the term describes someone with a negative or unpleasant disposition.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. His bad tempered nature often leads to conflicts. (اس کی غصہ آمیز فطرت عموماً تنازعات کا باعث بنتی ہے۔)
  2. She became bad tempered after a long day at work. (کام کے لمبے دن کے بعد وہ غصہ آمیز ہوگئی۔)
  3. Don’t provoke him, he’s in a bad tempered mood today. (اسے غصہ آمیز مزاج میں نہ لے، آج وہ برے مزاج میں ہیں۔)

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