
Astonishment Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Astonishment, known as “حیرت” (hairat) in Urdu, is a feeling of great surprise or wonder. It is an intense emotion that can be caused by something unexpected, extraordinary, or beyond one’s comprehension.

Synonyms of Astonishment:

  • Surprise – “حیرانی” (hairani)
  • Amazement – “تعجب” (ta’ajjub)
  • Wonder – “حیرت” (hairat)
  • Shock – “جھٹکا” (jhataka)
  • Awe – “وحشت” (wehshat)


The pronunciation of astonishment is [uh-ston-ish-muhnt].


  • Expectation – “توقع” (tauqaa)
  • Composure – “سکون” (sukoon)
  • Indifference – “بے پرواہی” (be parwahi)

Nearby Words:

  • Astonish (verb) – “حیران کرنا” (hairan karna)
  • Astonishing (adjective) – “حیرت انگیز” (hairat angez)
  • Astonished (adjective) – “حیران” (hairan)
  • Astonishingly (adverb) – “حیرت انگیز طور پر” (hairat angez tor par)


The word “astonishment” originated from the Middle English word “astonyen,” which means “to stun” or “to leave someone bewildered.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “estoner” and the Latin word “extonare,” both having similar meanings.

Examples Sentences:

  1. He looked at her in astonishment. (وہ حیرت میں اسے دیکھتا رہ گیا۔)
  2. The magician’s tricks left the audience in astonishment. (جادوگر کے جادوئی کرتب نے حیرت میں دیکھنے والوں کو چھوڑ دیا۔)
  3. She expressed astonishment at the incredible news. (وہ ناقابل یقین خبر پر حیرت ظاہر کرتی رہی۔)

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