
Astonishing Meaning in Urdu: انتہائی حیرت انگیز

Astonishing is an adjective that means something that is extremely surprising or impressive. It is derived from the verb “astonish” which means to fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder. The word astonishing can be used to describe something that is unexpected, remarkable, or mind-blowing.

Synonyms of Astonishing:

  • Amazing – حیرت انگیز
  • Stunning – دلکش
  • Breathtaking – دم لینے والا
  • Startling – حیرت انگیز
  • Surprising – حیرت انگیز




  • Expected – متوقع
  • Ordinary – عام
  • Common – عام
  • Usual – عام
  • Unremarkable – عام

Nearby Words:

  • Astonish (verb) – حیران کرنا
  • Astonished (adjective) – حیران
  • Astonishingly (adverb) – حیرت انگیز طور پر
  • Astonishment (noun) – حیرت

Origin of the Word Astonishing:

The word astonishing originated from the Middle English word “astonyen” which means to stun or bewilder. It can be traced back to the Old French word “estoner” and the Latin word “extonare” which both mean to thunder or amaze.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The magician’s tricks were truly astonishing. (جادوگر کے جادوی کارنامے واقعی حیرت انگیز تھے۔)
  2. The view from the mountaintop was astonishingly beautiful. (پہاڑ کی چوٹی سے منظر حیرت انگیز طور پر خوبصورت تھا۔)
  3. The news of her promotion came as an astonishing surprise. (اس کی ترقی کی خبر حیرت انگیز حیرت کا باعث بنی۔)

For more information about the word “astonishing,” you can visit the following links:

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