
Astonishments Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Wonders of the Word

When it comes to expressing surprise or amazement, the word “astonishments” holds a special place. In Urdu, astonishments can be translated into several meanings, such as:

1. حیرت (Hayrat)

Meaning: A state of being amazed or astonished.


  • تعجب (Tajub)
  • حد سے زیادہ حیران ہونا (Hadd se zyada hairan hona)


  • عادت (Aadat) – Habit
  • معمول (Maamool) – Routine

Nearby Words:

  • حیران کن (Hairan kun) – Astonishing (Adjective)
  • حیرانی (Hairani) – Astonishment (Noun)

2. تعجب (Tajub)

Meaning: A feeling of wonder or surprise.


  • حیرت (Hayrat)
  • حیرانی (Hairani)


  • عادت (Aadat) – Habit
  • معمول (Maamool) – Routine

Nearby Words:

  • تعجب انگیز (Tajub Angaiz) – Astonishing (Adjective)
  • تعجب زدہ (Tajub Zada) – Astonished (Adjective)

The pronunciation of “astonishments” in Urdu can be written as “تعجبات” (Tajubaat).

The word “astonishments” has its origin in the Middle English word “astonement,” which means “stupefaction” or “bewilderment.” It further derives from the Old French word “estoner,” which means “to stun” or “to amaze.”

Here are a few example sentences to understand the usage of “astonishments” in Urdu:

  1. میں اس کی حیرت کا شکریہ ادا کرتا ہوں۔ (I am grateful for his astonishment.)
  2. تمہاری حیرت دیکھ کر مجھے خوشی ہوئی۔ (I was happy to see your astonishment.)

If you want to explore more about the word “astonishments,” you can visit the following links:

Discover the wonders of “astonishments” and let yourself be amazed by the beauty of language!