
Astigmatic Meaning in Urdu: اسٹیگماٹک کا مطلب

Astigmatic is an English word that has been adopted in Urdu as اسٹیگماٹک. It is an adjective that refers to a condition related to astigmatism, which is a common eye condition that causes blurred or distorted vision. Astigmatic meaning in Urdu can be understood as “اسٹیگماٹک” or “آنکھوں کی مسئلہ جو بصری تصویر کو داغدار یا مشوش کرتی ہے”.

Synonyms of Astigmatic

Some synonyms of astigmatic include:

  • Blurry (مشوش)
  • Distorted (داغدار)
  • Imperfect (نامکمل)
  • Defective (خراب)

Astigmatic Pronunciation

The pronunciation of astigmatic is [as-tig-mat-ik].


Antonyms of astigmatic in Urdu:

  • Clear (صاف)
  • Sharp (تیز)
  • Accurate (درست)
  • Correct (صحیح)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to astigmatic with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Astigmatism (noun) – آنکھوں کی مسئلہ جو بصری تصویر کو داغدار یا مشوش کرتی ہے
  • Astigmia (noun) – آنکھوں کی مسئلہ جو بصری تصویر کو داغدار یا مشوش کرتی ہے
  • Astigmatical (adjective) – اسٹیگماٹک
  • Astigmatically (adverb) – اسٹیگماٹک طور پر

Origin of the Word Astigmatic

The word astigmatic originated from the Greek word “astigmatos,” which means “without a point.” It was first used in English in the late 19th century.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences that demonstrate the usage of astigmatic with their Urdu meanings:

  1. My astigmatic vision makes it difficult for me to read small print. (میری اسٹیگماٹک نظریں چھوٹی پرنٹ کو پڑھنے میں مشکل پیدا کرتی ہیں۔)
  2. She got new glasses to correct her astigmatic eyesight. (اس نے نئی چشمے لیں تاکہ اسٹیگماٹک نظریں درست ہو سکیں۔)
  3. The astigmatic patient complained of constant blurriness in his vision. (اسٹیگماٹک مریض نے اپنی نظریں میں مستقل دھندلاپن کی شکایت کی۔)

For more information on astigmatic meaning in Urdu, you can refer to the following sources: