
Asthough Meaning in Urdu: ایسا ہونے کی بنا پر

Asthough is an adverb that is used to express a hypothetical or unreal situation. It is often used to describe something that may not be true or possible, but is being considered for the sake of argument or imagination. In Urdu, the meaning of asthough is “ایسا ہونے کی بنا پر”.

Synonyms of Asthough:

  • As if – جیسے کہ
  • As though – جیسے کہ
  • As it were – جیسے کہ

Asthough Pronunciation:



  • Reality – حقیقت
  • Truth – سچ
  • Fact – حقیقت

Nearby Words:

  • Assume (verb) – فرض کرنا
  • Assumption (noun) – فرض
  • Assert (verb) – دعویٰ کرنا

Origin of the Word Asthough:

The word asthough originated from the combination of the words “as” and “though”. It is believed to have been first used in the English language in the 14th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. He acted asthough he didn’t care. (وہ ایسا کرتا تھا جیسے اس کو فرق نہیں پڑتا تھا۔)
  2. She spoke asthough she knew everything. (وہ بات کرتی تھی جیسے وہ سب کچھ جانتی ہو۔)
  3. They treated me asthough I was a stranger. (انہوں نے مجھے ایسا سلوک کیا جیسے میں ایک اجنبی تھا۔)

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