
Aggressions: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Aggressions, pronounced as uh-gresh-uhns, refers to hostile or violent behaviors that are intended to cause harm or provoke a conflict. In Urdu, aggressions can be translated as “تاش کشی” (tashkashi), “حملہ” (hamla), or “جارحیت” (jarahat).

Origin of the Word Aggressions

The word “aggressions” originated from the Latin word “aggressio,” which means “an attack” or “an assault.” It entered the English language in the mid-16th century.

Synonyms of Aggressions

Some synonyms of aggressions include hostility, violence, attack, assault, invasion, and confrontation.

Antonyms of Aggressions

Antonyms of aggressions in Urdu include “صلح” (sulah) meaning peace, “معافیت” (maafi) meaning forgiveness, and “دوستی” (dosti) meaning friendship.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aggressions are:

  • Aggressive: (adjective) تاش کشی کرنے والا (tashkashi karne wala)
  • Aggressively: (adverb) تاش کشی سے (tashkashi se)
  • Aggressor: (noun) حملہ آور (hamla aawar)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. His aggressive behavior towards his classmates led to frequent conflicts. (وہ اپنے کلاس فیلوز کے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ تاش کشی کرنے کے باعث اکثر تکراری تنازعات کا باعث بنتا تھا۔)

2. The country faced an aggression from its neighboring state. (ملک کو اپنے پڑوسی ریاست سے حملہ کا سامنا ہوا۔)


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