
Arrests Meaning in Urdu: Definitions, Pronunciation, and More

Arrests, pronounced as “uh-rests,” is a noun that refers to the act of taking someone into custody, typically by the police, for a suspected crime. In Urdu, arrests can be translated as “گرفتاری” (giraftari), “قبضہ” (qabza), or “حراست” (hiraasat).

Synonyms of Arrests:

  • Apprehensions – “گرفتاری” (giraftari)
  • Captures – “قبضہ” (qabza)
  • Detentions – “حراست” (hiraasat)
  • Seizures – “ضبط” (zabt)

Antonyms of Arrests:

  • Release – “رہا کرنا” (raha karna)
  • Freedom – “آزادی” (azadi)
  • Exoneration – “بری” (bari)
  • Acquittal – “بری” (bari)

Nearby Words:

  • Arrested (verb) – “گرفتار” (giraftar)
  • Arresting (adjective) – “دلچسپ” (dilchasp)
  • Arrestee (noun) – “گرفتار شدہ” (giraftar shuda)
  • Arrestor (noun) – “رکاوٹ” (rukawat)

Origin of the Word “Arrests”:

The word “arrests” originated from the Middle English word “aresten,” which came from Old French “arester.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “arrestare,” meaning “to stop, delay, or hinder.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. The police made several arrests during the protest. (پولیس نے احتجاج کے دوران کئی گرفتاریاں کیں۔)
  2. He was placed under arrest for his involvement in the robbery. (اس کی چوری میں شرکت کے بہانے اسے حراست میں رکھا گیا۔)
  3. The arrests of the suspects led to a breakthrough in the investigation. (مشتبہوں کی گرفتاری نے تحقیق میں کامیابی کا راستہ دکھایا۔)

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