ad referendum

Ad Referendum Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Ad referendum is a Latin phrase commonly used in legal and diplomatic contexts. It is pronounced as “ad ref-uh-ren-dum.” In Urdu, ad referendum can be translated as “مشورے کے لئے” (mashware ke liye) or “مشورے کے مطابق” (mashware ke mutabiq).

Origin of the Word Ad Referendum

The term ad referendum originates from Latin, where “ad” means “to” or “towards,” and “referendum” means “to be referred.” When combined, ad referendum refers to a decision or agreement that is subject to further consultation or approval.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for ad referendum include “subject to approval,” “pending,” or “conditional.” Antonyms for ad referendum could be “final,” “conclusive,” or “unconditional.”

Nearby Words

  • Ad hoc: (adjective) بلا منصوبہ (bila mansooba) – for a specific purpose or situation.
  • Ad infinitum: (adverb) بے حد (be-hadd) – without limit or end.
  • Ad interim: (adjective) عارضی طور پر (aarzi tor par) – temporarily or in the meantime.

Example Sentences

  • The decision on the matter is ad referendum until the board approves it. (مسئلے پر فیصلہ مشورے کے لئے ہے جب تک بورڈ کی منظوری نہیں ہوتی ہے۔)
  • The agreement is ad referendum, pending the final approval from the authorities. (معاہدہ مشورے کے لئے ہے، حکام کی آخری منظوری تک معطل ہے۔)

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