
Actor Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “actor” is pronounced as /ˈæktər/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “adakar” (آداکار).

Origin of the Word Actor

The word “actor” originated from the Latin word “actor” which means “doer” or “performer”. It was first used in the English language in the 14th century.

Synonyms of Actor

Some synonyms of actor include:

  • Performer (اداکار)
  • Artist (فنکار)
  • Thespian (تھیسپیئن)
  • Player (کھلاڑی)
  • Entertainer (تفریح کار)

Antonyms of Actor

Some antonyms of actor include:

  • Audience (حاضرین)
  • Spectator (دیکھنے والا)
  • Observer (مشاہد کرنے والا)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to actor are:

  • Act (فعل) – Noun
  • Acting (اداکاری) – Noun
  • Action (کارروائی) – Noun
  • Actress (اداکارہ) – Noun
  • Actable (قابل عمل) – Adjective

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The actor delivered a powerful performance on stage. (اداکار نے میزبانی پر طاقتور اداکاری کی)
  2. She aspires to become a successful actor in the film industry. (وہ فلمی صنعت میں کامیاب اداکار بننے کی خواہش رکھتی ہے)
  3. The actor’s versatility allows him to portray a wide range of characters. (اداکار کی انتہائی متنوع پیشکش اسے وسعت والے کرداروں کو ادا کرنے کی اجازت دیتی ہے)


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