
Armature Meaning in Urdu: آرمیچر

Armature is a noun that is commonly used in English language. It is pronounced as “ahr-muh-cher”. In Urdu, the meaning of armature is آرمیچر. Some other meanings of armature in Urdu are:

  1. محافظ
  2. حفاظتی تدابیر
  3. حفاظتی سازوسامان

Synonyms of Armature:

There are several synonyms of armature, including:

  • Protection (حفاظت)
  • Shield (ڈھال)
  • Guard (محافظ)
  • Armor (خداکی لباس)

Antonyms of Armature:

Some antonyms of armature with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Vulnerability (کمزوری)
  • Exposure (نمایاں ہونا)
  • Insecurity (بے حفاظتی)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words of armature with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Armadillo (noun) – ایک قسم کا کچھوا
  • Armada (noun) – بحری جنگی جتھا
  • Armageddon (noun) – عالمی تباہی
  • Armband (noun) – بازو کا بینڈ

Origin of the Word Armature:

The word armature originated from the Latin word “armatura” which means “armor” or “equipment”. It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The armature of the machine provides protection to the delicate internal components. (مشین کی آرمیچر نے نازک اندرونی اجزاء کی حفاظت فراہم کی)
  2. He wore a strong armature to shield himself from any potential harm. (اس نے خود کو کسی بھی ممکنہ خطرے سے بچانے کے لئے مضبوط آرمیچر پہنا تھا)
  3. The armature of the building was designed to withstand earthquakes. (عمارت کی آرمیچر زلزلوں کا سامنا کرنے کے لئے تشکیل دی گئی تھی)

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