
Aries Meaning in Urdu: ثور

Aries is the first astrological sign in the zodiac, symbolized by the Ram. In Urdu, Aries is pronounced as “Sor” (ثور). Here are a few meanings of Aries in Urdu:

Meanings of Aries in Urdu:

  • ثور: The Ram
  • برج حمل: Zodiac Sign Aries
  • مریخ: Ruling Planet Mars

Synonyms of Aries:

Some synonyms of Aries include:

  • Sheep (بھیڑ)
  • Animal (جانور)
  • Beast (شکاری)

Antonyms of Aries:

Here are a few antonyms of Aries with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Taurus (ثور): The Bull
  • Gemini (جوزا): The Twins
  • Cancer (سرطان): The Crab

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to Aries:

  • Arise (فراخوانی کرنا) – Verb
  • Arid (خشک) – Adjective
  • Aria (گیت) – Noun

Origin of the Word Aries:

The word Aries comes from Latin and Greek origins. In Latin, Aries means “ram,” while in Greek, it is known as “krios.” The zodiac sign Aries represents the ram due to its association with the golden ram from Greek mythology.

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using the word Aries in Urdu:

  1. ثور برج حمل کا پہلا برج ہے۔ (Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.)
  2. میرے دوست کا برج حمل ہے۔ (My friend is an Aries.)
  3. ثور کا مریخ پر اثر زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔ (Mars has a strong influence on Aries.)

For more information about Aries, you can visit the following websites: