
Archives Meaning in Urdu: ارکائیوز کا مطلب

Archives, pronounced as “ahr-kahyvz,” refers to a collection of historical records or documents that are preserved for research, reference, or public use. In Urdu, the meaning of archives can be described as:

  1. تحفظ شدہ تاریخی ریکارڈز (preserved historical records)
  2. تحفظ شدہ دستاویزات (preserved documents)
  3. تاریخی معلومات کی مختصر جمع (collection of historical information)

Synonyms of Archives:

1. محفوظات (Mahfuzat) – meaning “preserved records”

2. دستاویزات (Dastawizat) – meaning “documents”

3. تحفظ شدہ تاریخی ریکارڈز (Tahfiz Shuda Tareekhi Records) – meaning “preserved historical records”

Antonyms of Archives:

1. غیر تحفظ شدہ (Ghair Tahfiz Shuda) – meaning “unpreserved”

2. ناقص (Naqis) – meaning “incomplete”

3. غیر محفوظ (Ghair Mahfuz) – meaning “unpreserved”

Nearby Words:

1. Archivist (Noun) – تحفظ کار (Tahfiz Kar) – a person who maintains and organizes archives

2. Archival (Adjective) – تحفظی (Tahfizi) – relating to archives or the preservation of records

3. Archivalism (Noun) – تحفظیت (Tahfiziyat) – the practice of preserving and studying archives

Origin of the Word Archives:

The word “archives” originated from the Greek word “arkhē” meaning “government” or “public records.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century and has since been used to refer to collections of historical records.

Examples Sentences:

1. The national archives contain valuable historical documents. (قومی تحفظ شدہ دستاویزات قیمتی تاریخی دستاویزات رکھتے ہیں۔)

2. Researchers often visit the archives to study primary sources. (تحقیق کاروں کو عموماً اصلی ماخذوں کا مطالعہ کرنے کے لئے ارکائیوز میں جانا پڑتا ہے۔)

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