
Antique Meaning in Urdu: انتیک

Antique is an English word that has been borrowed from the Latin word “antiquus,” meaning old or ancient. In Urdu, antique is translated as “انتیک” which also refers to something old or ancient.

Meanings of Antique in Urdu:

  • قدیم – Qadeem (Ancient)
  • پرانا – Purana (Old)
  • ماضی کا – Maazi Ka (From the past)

Synonyms of Antique:

  • Vintage – ونٹیج
  • Classic – کلاسیک
  • Old-fashioned – پرانا فیشن

Antonyms of Antique:

  • Modern – جدید
  • Contemporary – معاصر
  • New – نیا

Nearby Words:

  • Antiquity (Noun) – قدیم زمانہ
  • Antiquarian (Noun) – قدیمی کا ماہر
  • Antiquated (Adjective) – پرانا

Origin of the Word Antique:

The word antique originated from the Latin word “antiquus” which means old or ancient. It was first used in the English language in the 16th century to describe objects or artifacts from ancient times.

Example Sentences:

  1. This vase is an antique from the Mughal era. (یہ گلدان مغلیہ دور کا انتیک ہے۔)
  2. She collects antique coins and stamps. (وہ انتیک سکے اور ٹکٹ جمع کرتی ہے۔)
  3. The antique shop is filled with unique treasures. (انتیک دکان میں منفرد خزانے بھرے ہوئے ہیں۔)

For more information about the word “antique,” you can visit the following websites: