
Anti-Climax: A Disappointing Turn of Events

Anti-climax, pronounced as “an-tee-klahy-maks,” refers to a sudden and disappointing drop in intensity or excitement in a narrative or event. It is often used to describe a situation that fails to meet expectations or ends in a lackluster manner.

Meanings of Anti-Climax in Urdu:

  • نااہمیت (Naa Ahmiyat)
  • ناقابلِ توقع خاتمہ (Naqabil-e-Tawaqo Khatma)
  • نااہمیت کا اختتام (Naa Ahmiyat Ka Ikhtitam)

Synonyms of Anti-Climax:

  • Letdown – ناامیدی (Na Umeedi)
  • Disappointment – مایوسی (Mayoosi)
  • Deflation – کمی (Kami)

Antonyms of Anti-Climax:

  • Climax – اوج (Ooj)
  • Highlight – اہم نقطہ (Ahem Nuqta)
  • Success – کامیابی (Kamyabi)

Nearby Words:

  • Anticipate (verb) – توقع کرنا (Tawaqo Karna)
  • Anticipation (noun) – توقع (Tawaqo)
  • Anticlimactic (adjective) – نااہمیت کا (Naa Ahmiyat Ka)

Origin of the Word Anti-Climax:

The term “anti-climax” originated from the combination of the prefix “anti-” meaning against or opposite, and the word “climax” referring to the highest point of intensity or excitement in a narrative. It was first used in the early 18th century to describe a disappointing conclusion or a sudden drop in excitement.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The movie built up suspense but ended in an anti-climax. (فلم نے دلچسپی بڑھائی لیکن نااہمیت کے ساتھ ختم ہوگئی۔)
  2. After months of preparation, the event turned out to be an anti-climax. (تیاریوں کے مہینوں بعد، واقعہ نااہمیت کا سامنا کرنا پڑا۔)

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