
Astronaut Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Universe

An astronaut, known as “فضانی” in Urdu, is a person who travels beyond Earth’s atmosphere to explore outer space. They are highly trained individuals who undergo rigorous physical and mental preparation to undertake space missions. Let’s delve into the various aspects of the term “astronaut” in Urdu.

Synonyms of Astronaut

1. روانگی کرنے والا

2. خلائی روانگی کرنے والا

3. فضا میں سفر کرنے والا

Astronaut Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “astronaut” in Urdu is [as-truh-nawt].


1. زمینی

2. زمین پر رہنے والا

Nearby Words

1. Astrologer (Noun) – جوتشی

2. Astronomer (Noun) – فلکیاتی

3. Astronomy (Noun) – فلکیات

Origin of the Word Astronaut

The word “astronaut” originated from the Greek words “astro” meaning “star” and “nautes” meaning “sailor.” It was first used in the 1920s to describe a person who travels to space.

Example Sentences

1. اسٹیون کی خواہش رکھنے والے لوگوں کو فضانی بننے کے لئے تیاری کرنی چاہئے۔ (People aspiring to become astronauts should prepare themselves.)

2. فضانیوں کو زمین سے دور کے علاقوں کا مطالعہ کرنے کا موقع ملتا ہے۔ (Astronauts get the opportunity to study distant regions from Earth.)

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