
Apostles: Meaning, Pronunciation, and Origins

Apostles, pronounced as “uh-pos-uhls,” is a noun that refers to the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus Christ to spread his teachings. In Urdu, the word “apostles” can be translated as “رسول” (Rasool), “حواریوں” (Hawariyon), or “مبشرین” (Mubashreen).

Synonyms of Apostles

  • Messengers – رسول
  • Disciples – حواریوں
  • Proclaimers – مبشرین

Antonyms of Apostles

  • Non-believers – غیر مومنین
  • Deniers – انکار کرنے والے
  • Rejecters – مسترد کرنے والے

Nearby Words

  • Messenger (Noun) – رسول
  • Disciple (Noun) – حواری
  • Proclaim (Verb) – اعلان کرنا
  • Teachings (Noun) – تعلیمات

Origin of the Word Apostles

The word “apostles” originated from the Old English word “apostol,” which was derived from the Late Latin word “apostolus” and the Greek word “apostolos,” meaning “messenger” or “one sent forth.”

Examples Sentences

  • Jesus chose twelve apostles to spread his message. (عیسیٰ نے اپنے پیغام کو پھیلانے کے لئے بارہ حواریوں کو منتخب کیا۔)
  • The apostles traveled far and wide to preach the gospel. (حواریوں نے انجیل کا پرچار کرنے کے لئے دور دراز سفر کیا۔)

For more information about apostles, you can visit dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, or thefreedictionary.com.

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