
Accompaniments Pronunciation

The pronunciation of the word “accompaniments” is uh-kuhm-puh-nuh-muhnts.

Accompaniments Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “accompaniments” in Urdu can be translated as:

  • تعاون (ta’awun)
  • ہمراہی (hamrahi)
  • ساتھ (saath)

Origin of the Word Accompaniments

The word “accompaniments” originated from the verb “accompany” which comes from the Middle English word “acompanien” and the Old French word “acompagner.” It is derived from the Latin word “com-” meaning “together” and “panis” meaning “bread.” The word originally referred to the act of breaking bread together, but over time, it evolved to encompass the broader meaning of being together or providing support.

Synonyms of Accompaniments

Some synonyms of “accompaniments” include:

  • attachments
  • additions
  • accessories
  • supplements
  • complements


Antonyms of “accompaniments” in Urdu:

  • الگ (alag) – separate
  • اکیلا (akela) – alone
  • بے ہمتا (behamta) – without support

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “accompaniments” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Accompany (verb) – ساتھ چلنا (saath chalna)
  • Accompanist (noun) – ساتھی موسیقار (saathi musiqar)
  • Accompanying (adjective) – ہمراہی (hamrahi)
  • Accompanied (adjective) – ساتھ (saath)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “accompaniments” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • She ordered a pizza with various accompaniments. (وہ نے ایک پیزا منگوایا جس میں مختلف تعاون شامل تھے۔)
  • The salad was served with a delicious dressing and other accompaniments. (سلاد کو ایک لذیذ ڈریسنگ اور دیگر تعاون کے ساتھ پیش کیا گیا۔)
  • He played the piano while his sister sang, providing beautiful accompaniments. (وہ پیانو بجاتا رہا جبکہ اس کی بہن گاتی رہی اور خوبصورت تعاون فراہم کرتی رہی۔)

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