
Announced Meaning in Urdu: تشریع کرنا

Announced is the past participle of the verb “announce.” It is pronounced as /əˈnaʊnst/.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • تشریع کرنا
  • اعلان کرنا
  • بیان کرنا


  • Declared – اعلان شدہ
  • Proclaimed – اعلان شدہ
  • Pronounced – ظاہر کیا گیا


  • Concealed – پوشیدہ
  • Hidden – چھپا ہوا
  • Withheld – محفوظ

Nearby Words:

  • Announce (Verb) – تشریع کرنا
  • Announcement (Noun) – اعلان
  • Announcer (Noun) – اعلان کنندہ


The word “announce” originated from the Latin word “annuntiare,” which means “to make known.” It entered the English language in the late 15th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The company announced a new product launch. (کمپنی نے نئے پروڈکٹ کا اعلان کیا)
  2. The president announced his resignation. (صدر نے اپنی استعفیٰ کا اعلان کیا)
  3. The teacher announced the test results. (اساتذہ نے ٹیسٹ کے نتائج کا اعلان کیا)

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