acacia nilotica

Acacia Nilotica Pronunciation

The correct pronunciation of Acacia Nilotica is uh-kay-shuh ny-lot-i-kuh.

Acacia Nilotica Meaning in Urdu

Acacia Nilotica is known as “Babul” in Urdu. Other meanings include:

  • ببول
  • کیکر
  • کیکر سے متعلق

Origin of the Word Acacia Nilotica

The word “Acacia” is derived from the Greek word “akis” meaning “thorn” or “point.” “Nilotica” refers to the plant’s association with the Nile River in Africa.

Synonyms of Acacia Nilotica

Synonyms for Acacia Nilotica include:

  • Babool
  • Indian Gum Arabic Tree
  • Prickly Acacia


Antonyms for Acacia Nilotica in Urdu:

  • بے کار
  • بے فائدہ
  • غیر ضروری

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Acacia Nilotica are:

  • Noun: کیکر
  • Adjective: کیکر سے متعلق
  • Verb: کیکر کاٹنا

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using Acacia Nilotica with their Urdu meanings:

  • Acacia Nilotica is a thorny tree. (کیکر ایک کانٹے دار درخت ہے۔)
  • The leaves of Acacia Nilotica are used in traditional medicine. (کیکر کے پتوں کو روایتی طب میں استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔)
  • Babul tree is found in many parts of Pakistan. (ببول کا درخت پاکستان کے کئی علاقوں میں پایا جاتا ہے۔)

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