
Pronunciation and Meaning of Aforementioned in Urdu

The word “aforementioned” is pronounced as /əˈfɔrˌmɛnʃənd/ in English. In Urdu, it is written as “پہلے ذکر شدہ” (Pehle Zikr Shuda), which means “previously mentioned” or “already stated.”

Origin of the Word Aforementioned

The word “aforementioned” originated from the combination of two words: “afore” and “mentioned.” “Afore” is derived from Middle English and means “before,” while “mentioned” is the past participle of the verb “mention.” When combined, they form the adjective “aforementioned,” which refers to something that has been previously mentioned or stated.

Synonyms of Aforementioned

Some synonyms of “aforementioned” include:

  • Previously stated
  • Previously mentioned
  • Earlier mentioned
  • Previously cited
  • Formerly mentioned

Antonyms of Aforementioned

Antonyms of “aforementioned” include:

  • Subsequent (بعد میں)
  • Later (بعد میں)
  • Following (بعد میں)
  • Upcoming (آنے والا)
  • Future (مستقبل)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “aforementioned” are:

  • Before (حال میں)
  • After (بعد میں)
  • Previously (پہلے)
  • Earlier (پہلے)
  • Formerly (پہلے)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using “aforementioned” with their Urdu translations:

  1. The aforementioned book is a must-read. (پہلے ذکر شدہ کتاب ضرور پڑھیں)
  2. Please refer to the aforementioned document for further details. (براہ کرم مزید تفصیلات کے لئے پہلے ذکر شدہ دستاویز کا حوالہ دیں)
  3. The aforementioned points should be taken into consideration. (پہلے ذکر شدہ نقاط کو مد نظر رکھنا چاہئے)


For more information about the word “aforementioned,” you can visit the following sources: