
Aforenamed: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin

Pronunciation: uh-fawr-neymd

Meaning in Urdu: Aforenamed is an adjective that means “previously mentioned” or “previously named.” In Urdu, it can be translated as “پہلے ذکر شدہ” (pehle zikr shuda).

Origin: The word aforenamed is derived from the combination of two words: “afore,” meaning “before,” and “named,” which refers to something that has been given a name. It originated in the late 16th century.

Synonyms of Aforenamed:

  • Formerly mentioned
  • Previously named
  • Previously mentioned
  • Earlier named
  • Earlier mentioned


  • Unnamed (بے نام)
  • Unmentioned (بے ذکر)
  • Unspecified (غیر مخصوص)
  • Undesignated (غیر مقرر)
  • Unidentified (نامعلوم)

Nearby Words:

  • Adjective: Aforethought (مدبرانہ)
  • Noun: Aforethought (مدبرانہ)
  • Adverb: Aforetime (پہلے)
  • Verb: Aforewarn (پہلے سے خبردار کرنا)

Example Sentences:

  1. The aforenamed book is a classic in Urdu literature. (پہلے ذکر شدہ کتاب اردو ادب کا ایک کلاسیک ہے۔)
  2. Please refer to the aforenamed article for more information. (مزید معلومات کے لئے براہ کرم پہلے ذکر شدہ مضمون کا حوالہ دیں۔)
  3. The aforenamed person has been appointed as the new CEO. (پہلے ذکر شدہ شخص کو نئے سی ای او کے طور پر تعینات کیا گیا ہے۔)

For more information on the word aforenamed, you can visit the following sources: