
Afterbirth Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Afterbirth, pronounced as /ˈæftərˌbɜrθ/, is a noun that refers to the placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus after childbirth. In Urdu, afterbirth can be translated as:

  • جنین کی غشیہ (meaning: fetal membrane)
  • پھولاد کی غشیہ (meaning: placenta)
  • بچے کی غشیہ (meaning: baby’s membrane)

Origin of the Word Afterbirth

The word “afterbirth” originated from Middle English, combining the words “after” and “birth.” It has been in use since the 15th century to describe the tissues expelled from the uterus after childbirth.

Synonyms of Afterbirth

Some synonyms of afterbirth include:

  • Placenta
  • Secundines
  • Membranes
  • Waste

Antonyms of Afterbirth

Antonyms of afterbirth include:

  • Embryo (meaning in Urdu: جنین)
  • Fetus (meaning in Urdu: جنین)
  • Unborn (meaning in Urdu: ناپیدا)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to afterbirth are:

  • Afterbirth (noun) – جنین کی غشیہ
  • Afterbirths (plural noun) – جنین کی غشیہ
  • Afterbirth (adjective) – جنین کی غشیہ سے متعلق
  • Afterbirth (verb) – جنین کی غشیہ کو نکالنا

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. After giving birth, the doctor carefully examined the afterbirth. (جنین کی غشیہ)
  2. The midwife explained the importance of the afterbirth in the birthing process. (پھولاد کی غشیہ)
  3. It is essential to properly dispose of the afterbirth to maintain hygiene. (بچے کی غشیہ)

For more information about afterbirth, you can visit the following websites: