
Arse Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Multifaceted Word

Arse, pronounced as /ɑːrs/ in English, is a versatile word with various meanings in Urdu. Let’s delve into its different connotations and explore its synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, origin, and usage examples.

Meanings of Arse in Urdu:

  • Vulgar Slang: Arse is commonly used as a slang term for the buttocks or posterior.
  • Foolishness: Arse can also refer to someone’s foolish or stupid behavior.
  • Difficulty: In certain contexts, arse can denote a challenging or troublesome situation.

Synonyms of Arse:

Some synonyms of arse include:

  • Buttocks (پچھواڑا)
  • Rear (پچھواڑا)
  • Posterior (پچھواڑا)

Antonyms of Arse:

Antonyms of arse with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Face (چہرہ)
  • Front (سامنے)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to arse with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Arsehole (Noun) – گندی بات کرنے والا
  • Arsenic (Noun) – زہریلا عنصر
  • Arsenal (Noun) – ہتھیاروں کا گڑھ

Origin of the Word Arse:

The word arse has its origins in Old English, where it was spelled “ærs.” It has evolved over time and is widely used in various English-speaking regions.

Example Sentences:

  1. He slipped and fell on his arse. (وہ پچھواڑے پر پھسل گیا۔)
  2. Don’t be such an arse! (ایسا بیوقوف نہ بنو!)
  3. I’m in a real arse of a situation. (میں ایک واقعی مشکل میں پڑا ہوں۔)

For more information on the word “arse,” you can visit,, or

Arse, with its diverse meanings and usage, adds color and depth to the Urdu language. Whether used colloquially or in specific contexts, this word continues to be an integral part of linguistic expression.

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