
Assembly Meaning in Urdu: اسمبلی

Assembly is a noun that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of assembly in Urdu are:

  1. جمعیت (Jamiat)
  2. مجلس (Majlis)
  3. انجمن (Anjuman)

Synonyms of Assembly:

Some synonyms of assembly in Urdu include:

  • گروہ (Group)
  • جماعت (Jamaat)
  • مجمع (Majma)

Assembly Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of assembly in Urdu is “asemblī”.


Antonyms of assembly in Urdu are:

  • الگ (Alag) – Meaning: Separate
  • تفریق (Tafreeq) – Meaning: Dispersal

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to assembly in Urdu are:

  • Assemble (Verb) – جمع کرنا (Jama Karna)
  • Assembler (Noun) – جوڑنے والا (Jornay Wala)
  • Assembled (Adjective) – مجتمع (Mujtama)

Origin of the Word Assembly:

The word “assembly” originated from the Middle English word “assemble”, which came from the Old French word “assembler”. It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “assimulare”, meaning “to bring together”.

Example Sentences:

  1. The students gathered in the assembly hall for the morning assembly. (طلباء صبح کی اسمبلی کے لئے اسمبلی ہال میں اکٹھے ہوئے۔)
  2. The assembly of the parts took longer than expected. (حصوں کی اسمبلی متوقع سے زیادہ وقت لگا۔)

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